“If there’s one thing I would want people to know, it would be that I am hardworking,” said Zane*, the 15-year-old cowboy at Boys Ranch Town (BRT). He races horses in record time, dominates in steer wrestling and is even known to ride bulls at the BRT Rodeo. Though his talent in the saddle is undeniable, Zane’s real source of pride comes from the way he has been able to earn the trust of those around him over the past three years at BRT.

However, this was not always the case for Zane. Like many boys who come to BRT, he hesitated at first to trust the people around him. Zane struggled to believe that his houseparents really loved him. “I think the biggest adjustment was trusting my houseparents. At that moment, I didn’t think I could believe anybody,” he said.

It was not until the first time Zane was shown how to do a devotional that the reality of God’s love really sunk in. He remembers his houseparents sitting him down to read 1 John 4:19: “We love because He first loved us.” Their next words were ones Zane would never forget. “We love you guys. That’s why we’re here.” His houseparents were not there for financial gain or self-improvement. They were there because they loved God, and because of that, they loved him.


Zane clung to this truth over the next few years at BRT, where he learned not only how to trust others, but how to be a trustworthy man himself. “When I was with my family, I had real big problems. Over the years of being here, I’ve paid attention and I’ve been more respectful and responsible so I can earn that trust back,” he said. This journey was not one Zane made alone. He credits the community of BRT and his relationship with Jesus Christ for the man he is today. “I couldn’t do everything on my own,” he said. “And now, I don’t want it to be on my own.” At BRT, Zane is not on his own. He is surrounded by a community that he trusts and trusts him in return.

Zane dreams of a career in agriculture (AG) – a future he would not have considered if it were not for BRT. “I have had a lot of ideas. It all involves AG, and I’ve thought about being a horse trainer or owning a ranch.” It is evident how these experiences and responsibilities with the BRT animals have inspired Zane to dream of a future he would not have imagined three years ago.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for Zane’s family and for his walk with Christ. Currently, Zane and his houseparents are going through the book of Matthew. Zane enjoys learning about Jesus’ life because “He did a lot for us. He died for us. And that’s something that we couldn’t have done ourselves.”

*Name changed to protect their privacy.

Clara Roark is a contract writer for OBHC.

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