Thank you for your interest in working for Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children (OBHC). Below is a list of our available positions. Please review the job description(s) and, if interested, complete and submit an employment application. Applicants must be willing to sign an OBHC Statement of Belief, adapted from the the Southern Baptist Faith and Message 2000, found below.
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To apply for a position at Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children:
- Read OBHC Statement of Belief and job description.
- Complete an online OBHC employment application.
- Resumes may be attached when completing application.
OBHC Statement of Belief (adapted from the Baptist Faith and Message 2000)
Mail-In Applications: If you previously downloaded and completed an employment application, you may send it with your resume to OBHC, attention Human Resources, 300 Johnny Bench Drive, Suite 450, OKC, OK 73104, or email to