My name is Ashton. I am originally from Edmond, where I lived with my moms, Anna and Julie, and my little brother Hayes. I currently am a resident of Baptist Home for Girls (BHG). I have lived on this campus for around two-and-a-half years. I am a senior at Madill High School. After graduation, I would like to pursue a career in graphic design or work as a recreational therapist with children with autism. I am also interested in living in the Transitional Living Program at Baptist Home for Girls.
I enjoy drawing and playing my bass guitar. I recently had the opportunity to learn about bee keeping and can say I am now an official beekeeper. I like showing pigs and am looking forward to the upcoming show season. I am proud of my artistic abilities and how well I bond with animals.
Most days at BHG, I wake up and get ready for school. I have breakfast and do the morning Bible study with my cottage. I go to school for three hours, and then I head to work or to volunteer. After school, I come home and work with my pigs, and then we have dinner and do our chores and evening Bible study. Recently, I learned in Bible study that even though life is hard and we sin, Jesus still loves us.
The biggest adjustment to life on campus for me has been being away from my family and being around a lot of girls. However, I really enjoy all of the opportunities I have gotten to do, the biggest one being given the opportunity to go to Washington, D.C. in May 2024!

Prayer Requests
Please pray for me as I start applying to Southern Tech in Ardmore for my graphic design program. Please pray for me as I continue to work and save money. Please pray for my relationships with God and my parents to continue to grow.