About the Back-to-School Style Show

The Style Show is the main fundraiser for the girls’ clothing, and provides for clothing needs all year long for current residents, in addition to those who may come later on during the year. Besides getting to show off their modeling skills and their good taste in clothes, the girls also benefit from a boost to their self esteem.

During the event, residents typically model a back-to-school outfit and a church or professional outfit that they get to choose themselves. The Style Show shopping spree is always a favorite for the young ladies, who hit the local mall in a flurry of trying on clothes and buying just the right pieces that fit their own personal style. On the day of the Style Show, the girls will gather early that morning with a hair stylist to make them look their best for the special event. Then, each girl will get her turn on the runway, showing off her style and personality.

How You Can Get Involved

  • Table Host: To be a table host, call Carly Messersmith at 580.641.3336.
  • Paper Doll Project: Ask about starting a paper doll project at your church or Sunday school class. For more information, call Greg Duncan at 918.839.1554.
  • Event Sponsorship: Become a Style Show sponsor. Use this form or call 580.641.3336.
  • Make a Reservation: There is no charge for the Style Show but reservations are required, so please call Carly at 580.641.3336 to make a reservation.

(Coming soon.)

Baptist Home for Girls
13976 Anthony Lane
Madill, OK 73446


If you have questions about the Style Show or how to become a sponsor or volunteer, please call Carly Messersmith at 580.641.3336.