Phoenix strives to get along with everyone in the cottage, and says living in the cottage is “the closest thing I have to having brothers.”
The biggest adjustment to life on campus for me has been being away from my family and being around a lot of girls.
While Ricardo now considers Boys Ranch Town home, several years ago he had to adjust to being around people and having a stable home.
Now my kids get the best version of me, which they have always deserved! I am their voice of advocation all day, every day.
David has learned that there are right ways of doing things and wrong ways of doing things, and the importance of doing things the right way.
JoeLynn shared, “This is a place where you can grow in your walk with God. The houseparents – all of them – are amazing and care so much about you.”
Laney said, “I am trusting God with my future. That’s all I can do. He brought me here and this has been the best thing for me.”
Sergio shared, “This is a family to me: building that bond with others, seeing everyone succeed, learning to put others before yourself and take care of yourself.”
Lauren stated, “Though I was questioning myself for the longest time, when I came here, I have felt my stress and anxieties lift as I continue to be here.”
Like many boys who come to BRT, Zane hesitated at first to trust the people around him. “I think the biggest adjustment was trusting my houseparents.”
Sarah is a spunky 13-year-old girl who lives at Baptist Home for Girls (BHG). She loves coffee, playing clarinet and expressing her emotions through art.
Melody completed the OKC Campus’ program with her daughter in 2016, but since then, found herself in a verbally abusive relationship that left her wounded.
“I used to be really shy, but now I am confident and can talk to anyone. I think my faith has helped me to push past my fears and not let them bother me anymore.”
Dylan and Matthew are twin brothers who did not arrive at BRT at the same time. “It did not take us long to adjust to being back together again.”
“We have devotions, we go to church, we do activities, we do life together. Sometimes the kids we serve have never seen what a healthy family unit looks like.”
Bekah confided to the nurse her grandmother told her not to look at any literature, watch any videos or the ultrasound screen, nor accept any pictures of the baby.
“I cannot thank the OKC campus enough for the impact it has had on me. The people I’ve met and the opportunities I’ve been given just reflect the goodness of God to me.”
"I think being here is a second chance at life. I have a lot of opportunities here that I did not expect. This is a new beginning for me, and I am excited to see where it leads."
“The boys I work with are not objects. They are not just pieces of paper I shred once they leave. They are people with beating hearts who need the love of Jesus.”