“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” – 2 Timothy 1:7 (ESV)
Located in Madill, Oklahoma, Baptist Home for Girls (BHG) provides a safe space where up to eight girls are placed in a cottage-style home under the supervision of a husband and wife serving as houseparents. The girls enjoy day-to-day life together—meals, activities, chores and homework. They attend Madill Public Schools and are encouraged to participate in a variety of school and church activities. The campus has an active animal program with many involved in 4-H and FFA. These programs teach girls responsibility, patience and compassion.
Everyone on campus attends a local Southern Baptist church, and Bible studies and daily devotions are taught within the cottage. A plan of care identifying the needs of each girl and her family is implemented upon her arrival. Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children’s (OBHC) goal is to provide a Christian home environment until the students can be reunited with their family, graduate from high school or become capable, caring adults.
Charity* currently lives at BHG. She is 16 years old, and she has been living at BHG for about a year. Charity really enjoys journaling and writing, and she is currently in the ag program on campus. Through the ag program, Charity shows her two pigs, Jorge and Peppa.

Not only has Charity cultivated her skills in caring for animals, but she has also grown in her walk with the Lord. In fact, Charity became a follower of Christ last summer at Falls Creek!
“I thought I was saved before,” said Charity. “But one night at Falls Creek, the message really hit home. As I prayed and struggled through what God was teaching me, I realized I had not surrendered my life to Christ. That night I gave my life to Christ, and I left the service certain of my salvation.”
Since Charity became a believer, she says she feels more confident about who she is in Christ. “I used to be really shy, but now I am confident and can talk to anyone. I think my faith has helped me to push past my fears and not let them bother me anymore,” said Charity.
*Name changed to protect their privacy.