Every day, OBHC works to impact in the lives of children and families. However, we cannot do this without God’s direction and blessing. We encourage everyone to please pray for OBHC and the individuals who come through our doors.
Here are some ways you can pray for OBHC ministries:
- Leadership and employees – Pray for them as they strive to follow God’s plan for this ministry and work together to fulfill our mission.
- Child-Focused Care – Pray for the children living on each campus, their families and OBHC employees who work with them every day. Pray Christ will impact them in their lives and they will accept Him as savior and grow in their faith.
- Family-Focused Care – Pray for the single mother families in OBHC’s care, that they and their children will follow Christ, make decisions that honor Him and get the help they need to be the person God called them to be.
- Hope Pregnancy Center – Every day people walk through our doors dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. Please pray for all the people involved, that they make the best decision for themselves and their baby. Also pray for strength, direction and the opportunity to know and trust Christ as their savior.
- Foster Care Ministries – Pray for the children in the foster care system and that churches and families in Oklahoma would rise up and become a part of supporting the foster care community.