How It Works
- If you need an OBHC Birthday Bank, please call the OBHC Home Office at 405.363.6242 and a free bank will be sent to you.
- During worship service, Sunday school or small group, each person who has celebrated a birthday or anniversary that week or month is encouraged to place a special offering in the Birthday Bank. Whether the amount is a dollar or a dollar per year of age, the offering adds up to a significant amount as it is used to provide homes for children.
- Each month or quarter, either Donate Online or send the offering to OBHC’s Home Office. Please designate it as “OBHC Birthday Offering.” The address is 300 Johnny Bench Drive, Suite 450,Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104.
- One Sunday in August is designated “Birthday/Anniversary Catch-Up Sunday” for those who could not be present at church on the Sunday nearest their birthday. Churches can publicize this date in advance so members can be prepared with an offering.

In the early years, the gift was usually a penny for each birthday celebrated. As time went by, the penny became a dollar, and couples celebrating anniversaries began to add their gifts to the birthday offerings. OBHC Birthday Banks have been around since 1929. In the past 90+ years, since the banks were first introduced, thousands of children in need have found hope and a home at Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children.
Throughout this time, Birthday Banks have been made of a variety of materials: wood, cardboard, aluminum and fabricated steel, but the purpose has remained the same. This little bank with the red roof is a place to make an investment for the future in the life of a child and has become a symbol of Oklahoma Baptists’ love and concern for children. That love is something many children are banking on.
Thank you to all the churches, Sunday school classes and small groups who have faithfully given to this ministry. It would not be possible without your continued support.