On January 2, 2024, a client entered Hope Pregnancy Center, Ardmore for confirmation of her pregnancy. She had been in a relationship with her boyfriend for only four months and had a 12-year-old son she was raising on her own.

The client was very concerned about being pregnant again since she had a miscarriage in a previous pregnancy. Three months later she became pregnant again and had to have a cerclage performed so she could carry the pregnancy to term.

When she visited the center, the client signed up for Empowered Parenting classes and has been attending faithfully. On January 11, 2024, the client and her 12-year-old son were attending class. Pastor Larry Frye, a Hope volunteer, presented the gospel, and the client accepted Christ! Her son could hear Larry’s presentation of the gospel and entered the room declaring he was also ready to give his life to Christ!

At the end of January, the client stopped by Hope to let the staff know she and her son would be baptized at H2O Life Church and invited us to come celebrate the occasion. We are so grateful the client took the time to stop by and give us the opportunity to celebrate with her and her son in the public proclamation of their faith in Jesus Christ.

Hearts and Minds Changed

This beautiful story is the main goal of Empowered Parenting classes – that clients and their families will come to know Christ. Another goal of Hope Pregnancy Center is to empower families. Hope provides long-term support, education and materials through our Empowered Parenting classes, Fatherhood Program and Parents Empowered church partner events. Clients will be equipped to create a strong foundation for their future. Walking alongside families creates opportunities to share the gospel and promote kingdom growth.

Hope, Ardmore started Empowered Parenting classes on March 23, 2023. Since that date, 26 clients have accepted Christ! What a blessing it is to be a part of God’s amazing work. Not only are minds being changed toward life, but hearts are being changed toward eternal life!

Leanne Martin is the director for Hope Pregnancy Center, Ardmore.