Hi, my name is Jauncy, and I am a recovering alcoholic. I have been in recovery for five years and counting. Before accepting Christ, I had to keep moving forward with my head held high with positivity. That is what I wanted people to see, but on the inside, I felt defeated, broken, forgotten, lost and not good enough for anything or anyone.
I reached rock bottom when they took my children from me and out of my care. The kids are my everything, and they have always been with me. I asked the court immediately, “What do I have to do, because I’ll do it?” They let me spend some time with them and say goodbye after we dropped them off at the house of a friend who was approved by Oklahoma Human Services. I stayed the night with a sober friend. They were truly worried that I would drink myself to death if I was not in a safe place before placement that night. After that night, I went into detox and then got into a six-month detox center called Jordan’s Crossing. While there, I got to see my babies every weekend and truly got to focus on helping myself with actual self-care assistance.
Once I got into The Vine, a ministry of Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children (OBHC), I was again awarded full custody. OBHC helped instill in me how to function and live life without drinking. I literally had not lived that way since I was 15 years old.
It was amazing! Now my kids get the best version of me, which they have always deserved!
I am their voice of advocation all day, every day. Without a doubt, this all happened because of God. He knew what I was capable of and how to break me to get me back on the right path for the kids and myself. He knew exactly what to do to help me be the best I could be.
My father here on earth planted the seed of Christ in me when I was very young when he would take us kids to church. I followed through accepting Christ as my Lord and Savior and surrendered my all to him in 2019. I finally figured out that I could not live this life without him and without his love and grace. I will always continue taking in everyday as one day at a time walking in God’s path the way he wants me to live! I will let his light shine that he has instilled in me. I give all my trust in the Lord, and with that I know things will be okay!

Prayer Requests
The kids’ fathers will be released soon from prison. They both have been there for almost 10 consecutive years. Please pray for a safe transition for them, the kids and me. I have not had to share my kids with anyone since OHS and before their dads got incarcerated. Please pray that they stay on the right path, stay in the Word of God and that they are good role models to the kids.