Snuggled tightly between the pages of Ricardo’s Bible is a bookmark with Colossians 3:2 printed on it. The verse says, “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” (ESV) This verse serves as a compass for 18-year-old Ricardo, who has lived at Boys Ranch Town (BRT) with the same houseparents for almost seven years. Mr. Embry, Ricardo’s housefather, said, “Ricardo is an observer, watches everything and pays attention. He has a long-term view of things.” This trait has been helpful as Ricardo navigates God’s plans for his future. Currently, Ricardo is taking automotive service technician classes at Francis Tuttle Technology Center as part of his class schedule as a junior in high school.
He is a participant in the O Club at church, a youth leadership group selected by the youth pastor. Ricardo is a leader both at church and on campus. He has earned a lot of privileges as he drives to school, is responsible with his cell phone, and was able to drive to his summer job.
Ricardo played the trombone and tuba throughout middle school and into high school. He is now learning to play the trumpet on his own. He enjoys music, watching videos and playing football on campus.
He enjoys assisting staff in feeding the dogs and the horses, being a rodeo clown for the last two years, and he once had the responsibility of caring for two horses, Willie and Elmo.
His biggest adjustment when he moved to campus was being around people and having a stable home. Through that adjustment, Ricardo is grateful for the care and direction he has received.
When asked where Ricardo calls home, his response is, “Home is here, this is my home.” Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children has provided help and homes for children like Ricardo and their families for over 120 years. The ministry teaches children and their families how to follow Jesus and focus on heavenly things.
Prayer Requests
Pray for Ricardo to stay focused during his junior year of high school. Pray that Ricardo’s decisions about his future after high school will lead him to live in the adult world with confidence and reliance on God.
Heather Beard served as OBHC Director of Communications.